JNSA Annual Benefit Concert: Parent RSVP and INFO
Date and Time:
October 8th, 2023
Student Call Time: 2:00PM
Performance Begins: 4:00PM
The Grover C. Maxwell Performing Arts Theatre
Augusta University SummervilleCampus
2500 Walton Way, Augusta Ga, 30904
*Note: Students will need to be dropped off by 2pm. Drop off location will be in the parking lot behind the theatre. Staff will be there to receive students.
Dress Code:
Dance and Chorus Students:
Please have students where black pants, black shoes, black socks and a JNSA t-shirt. If you do not have a JNSA T-shirt, please wear a solid black t-shirt with no logos.
Concert RSVP
Please fill out the following form if your student will be participating in our Annual Benefit Concert on October 8, at 4:00 PM.
If you would like to become a benefit concert sponsor, please contact Gary Dennis: jnsaexecdir@jnsarts.org
For questions or concerns, please email ops@jessyenormanschool.org or call the school at 706 877 0411.