Welcome to Summer Reading Camp at Jessye Norman School of the Arts!
In this blog, you’ll see our 2024 Summer Reading Camp students shine as we share their poems, stories, book reviews and other thoughts on the JNSA summer camp experience. We aim to give you a glimpse of the students, teachers, staff and sponsors that grow our impact.
This summer, Jessye Norman School of the Arts has added reading and writing programming to its tuition-free, main campus summer camps. That’s all the same world-class fine arts instruction in visual art, digital art, music, dance, drama and theater tech, and the same free student breakfasts and lunches, and the same professional artist instructors and JNSA alumni interns—the same warmth and heart and wacky creatives—with language arts!
A current English lecturer at Augusta University, I’m administering the JNSA summer reading program to help students read as many books as possible in our two three-week camps. In addition, I’m facilitating a creative writing club for interested students who want to learn to craft vivid stories and poems.
Tune in to this blog to learn more about our students, our program, our world of books and those who help us along the way to 30,000 pages read!